NINGBO GREATER is a privately-owned company that
designs, manufactures, and sells kinds of plastic products to
customers all over the world,mainly vehicle accessories, leisure &
outdoors products, gifts and promotions, housewares, etc.
We began operations in 1998 ,lies near the city of ningbo,china.
Annual sales are over $800 million.
NINGBO GREATER has over 100 customers in
ten Market Segments. International sales represent about 90% of the
NINGBO GREATER is investing in the growth of its businesses. For example, in
2005-2006 a 25,000 square foot expansion was constructed . Shortly
thereafter, a 60,000 square foot expansion was completed again. Both
businesses are in the relatively fast growing promotion and vehicle
From that beginning, our product line has evolved and expanded due
to the direct input from our customers. The emphasis on quality
engineering has allowed a responsiveness to those requests that has
built a reputation for dependability and cost effectiveness.